Thursday, June 20, 2013

Online MUET course

Hi all,

Lately, actually over the past 2 years, I have had numerous request for an online muet course.

This students are unable to attend the classes because they are living outside of KL.

I have always been a big believer of face to face classroom teaching hence I have never entertained the thought of an online course.

However, I suppose one must change with the times, especially if it would be useful for others.

I am working on an online course now. Will launch it in August 2013. It will be be series of videos, PowerPoint and email communication is the main means of communication.

Since it will be a first time - for me. Will keep the intake of this online course small -  10 students, so that quality is maintained.

In order for this course to be successful, interested students must have the following.

1. Computer, laptop or tablet devices with speakers: to watch videos and write assignments.
2. Access to the Internet: to download videos, email assignments.
3. Time: must be able to allocate time, to complete assignments on time.
4. Motivation: must be motivated to obtain target band for muet, target band would of course depend on the requirement of your university.
5. Located outside of KL: ideally, this course is for students outside of KL because its difficult for them to travel to KL for face to face classes.

If you think this online course is something you want to consider, then email me,
In your email, tell me about your muet experience and what you want to achieve for muet in November.

I will update the blog with more information later ie number of lessons and course fee.

The face to face class will still be the main muet classes which I will be conducting, this online course is something I am testing and trying out.


Joline Tang